As many of you are aware, I have longed to go to Africa for a very long time. I thank you so much for your encouragement of these desires. By God’s good grace and perfect timing, I am now presented with the opportunity to serve the people and the culture that I have been mysteriously drawn to for so long.
Last fall, I began seeking opportunities to go on such a missionary journey. I had felt the Spirit confirming my desires through a recent trip to Haiti. Unlike any mission trip I had been on in the past, this time I knew God was asking me to take the initiative. I was eventually led to Africa Inland Mission (AIM) as the organization that would be best for my situation. They have found an urgent need for me to fulfill. I will be with the Andersons, a missionary family that is located in Kalacha, Kenya. By the time I arrive, this family will have a brand-new member of their family! I will meet them in Kijabe where the baby will be born and ‘when the time is right’ we will go back to Kalacha together. Kalacha is located in the Chalbi Desert and is home of the Gabra people. I will be assisting the family with home-schooling and anything else they would have me do to help out during this time. In the afternoons, there will be opportunities to help with a variety of ministries in the community, such as the Nomadic Girls School. I feel blessed to be able to help out in so many ways. This mission assignment seems to be perfectly orchestrated by God!