Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day

I have so much to write about, but in order to not overwhelm you I'll just focus on the biggest news!

The Andersen's had their baby yesterday -- on labor day! How ironic! Ezra was born at about 6:30 yesterday and weighed in at about 9lb 4 oz. I have never been this close to a woman in labor before! Other than possibly when my dear little brother was born, but that doesn't count! Rachel is such a steady, easy going mom. I hardly knew she was having big contractions other than for the fact that she finally decided to go to the hospital. Emma and I were completely in charge of the older 5 kids for all of yesterday and most of the morning today. The kids were all very excited to see their younger brother this morning! Even the youngest, Silas, was actually beginning to understand the concept of being a 'big brother'. And then he saw him! Yay!

About half a day before Ezra arrived, two missionaries who were also midwives came to town to help out. The doctor Rachel thought she was going to have wasn't available when the time came, but these 2 midwives were readily available! They handled the minor complications Ezra had (umbilical cord was wrapped twice) with great ease. How perfect did God time that! Those 2 ladies left about a day later too! CRAZY!

Now that Ezra is here it will be 2 weeks before going to Kalacha. I can't wait to meet the people and interact with the culture I keep hearing so much about!